True Confessions: I Love Classical Music

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Why is that a True Confession? Well I’ve always been a little embarrassed of it.

Let me explain.

I had an amazing yoga session this morning with Denis on the Peloton App. 

The reason it was so great is that it was set to classical music (usually they’re set to pop music), and I had a realization.

I like (no, LOVE) classical music but have been denying myself the pleasure of listening to it.

A really strange thing in my life is that I was always so out of the loop with pop culture due to growing up in a little bit of an isolated bubble (no tv, news, or pop culture until around age 10 or more), and always felt really embarrassed to not know the pop music and hit shows and actor’s names and stuff. 

In middle school and high school, I used to study People magazine anytime I could so that I could try to have conversations with friends and not be so left out when people were talking about pop culture. 

So anyways, I love classical music so much. Always have, probably since I grew up playing it from such a young age. When I listen to it, it’s like the sound of it gives me physical sensations in my body that nothing else does, especially if I listen after a couple of drinks or first thing in the morning. 

But because I have this old shame of feeling out of the loop on pop culture, I force myself to listen to pop music now so that I’ll know the latest songs and artists, and I don’t let myself listen to classical music. 

Maybe it’s also leftover from wanting to be less of a nerd, too. 

I think that’s why I’m always sad when dancers want to hear pop music in class.... because for me, it’s the only time I allow myself to listen to classical music. 

But this yoga session with Denis somehow gave me permission to listen to classical music. He talked about how much classical music is a part of his life, and I thought, if he can shamelessly play classical music to all these people on the peloton app, then I can let myself listen to it, and it’s ok if I don’t know all the latest pop music. 

I’m still learning to listen to myself. What I’ve just stifled without even realizing. I feel like I’m starting to meet myself all over again. “Good morning, Julie, what would you like to listen to today?” Not just .... “let’s put the pop music on because it’s what everyone listens to” 

Julie Gill

Adult Ballet Studio Owner, Novice at Strength Training, Yoga, Meditation, Re-learning Spanish and Programming.

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